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About the Course - (CABA-MDTP)

Diploma in Computer Applications, Business Accounting & Multilingual DTP

The Computer Applications, Business Accounting and Multilingual Desktop Publishing (CABA-MDTP)is a one-year Diploma course that has been designed for transforming the Urdu speakers into productive human resources in the field of Information Technology. Further the course would empower the participants to become part of the enriched technological work force that is in demand in the Information Technology Industry these days. The Urdu Council has made every possible effort to devise the course as per the need of the "Tech Savvy Industry" that is in constant look out for skilled manpower which could be directly utilized into operations without any formal training. This venture is a sincere effort by the Council to bridge the gap between "The Academia" and "The Industry" on the whole. The contents of this course have been enriched with plethora of technologies comprising of the following broad categories:

  1.  Information Technology Basics
  2.  Python Language with emphasis on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligenc
  3. Financial Accounting using Tally
  4. Emerging Information Technology Trends
  5. Web-Designing with HTML, DHTML and Java Script
  6. Web Development using PHP
  7. Database concepts with MS-Access
  8. Coverage of Urdu and DTP Software: Inpage
  9. Multimedia Applications with varied tools like Corel Draw, Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Illustrator
  10. Exposure to Personality Development

The contents have been designed keeping in view the career perspective of an individual who completes the course and wants to excel in the field of Information Technology. The modules covered are:

  1. Module I: Fundamentals of Information Technology
  2. Module II: Internet Technology and Web Designing.
  3. Module III: Financial Accounting Using Tally & Personality Development.
  4. Module IV: Emerging trends in IT
  5. Module V: Multilingual DTP.
  6. Module VI: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Python

    Diploma in Urdu - A Pre- Condition for Award of CABA-MDTP Certificatee

It is compulsory for the candidate to take admission in one-year Diploma course in Urdu run by Urdu Council. Further the candidate must also pass in this course for the award of Diploma in Computer Application, Business Accounting and Multilingual DTP (CABA-MDTP).


Admission in One-year Diploma Course in CABA-MDTP of the Council may be taken by a candidate who has completed his matriculation. Candidates should have attained age of 15 years for Matric & 17 years for 10+2 and must be strictly below the age of 35 years on the date of application.

    Selection Procedure

The applications received from the candidates who want to seek admission into the course shall be scrutinized by the respective Selection Committee of the Centre. Keeping in view the prescribed qualifications of the candidate, these will be arranged in order of merit based on marks obtained in the Matric, 10+2 or Graduation. The Selection Committee of the respective CABA- MDTP Centre will conduct an interview for the selection of students in the said course.

Note: In the interview the candidate must bring, the original certificates together with the required mark sheets as specified by him / her in the admission form.
No of seats :40


The course will be organized in two batches of 40 students at each computer centre (batch 1 july session from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and batch ii jan . Session from 2:00 to 6:00 PM.) Out of these 4 hours 2 hours for theory classes and 2 hours for practical class.Twenty students will attend the theory class and twenty students will attend practical class simultaneously.


Students admitted will be required to pay a monthly fee of Rs. 250/-pm (Rs.500/-PM in case of students studying in a class cities)

Admission fees of ₹910/- will have to be paid by every student seeking admission into the course bifurcation of which is given below:

  1. The Prospectus & Registration Form fees ₹10/-
  2. Fee for Diploma in Urdu ₹200/-
  3. The subscription cost of Urdu Duniya magazine is ₹150/-
  4. The examination fee of ₹550/-
    Examination Scheme
  1. A test will be conducted the end of each module. The faculty of the centre will check the answer sheets.
  2. The weight age of theory papers will be 10 marks each. It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 5 marks for each module.
  3. A final examination will be conducted in each semester. Semester examinations of CABA-MDTP course will consist of part A (objective) and part B (Subjective).The student must pass in both parts. Semester Examination will be conducted in December and June. Semester wise distribution of marks is as follows:-
  4. 1st Semester

    Examination Marks Remarks
    Semester Exam 100  
    Modules Exam 30 3 Modules * 10 Marks Each
    Total 130  

    2nd Semester

    Examination Marks Remarks
    Semester Exam 100  
    Modules Exam 30 3 Modules *10 Marks Each
    Practical 50 Practical -30,Viva -20
    Project 40  
    Total 220  

    A student has to obtain minimum of 40% marks in each semester examination theory paper (IT Component) Urdu Software InPage, Practical examination & Urdu Diploma individually for qualifying the examination.

  5. A test of Urdu software InPage of 20, marks shall also be conducted at the end of the 2nd semester in paper 2.
  6. A test of 25 marks for Urdu diploma shall also be conducted at the end of the course. A student shall not be awarded the diploma unless he/she clears this test.
  7. A final practical examination of 50 marks will be conducted at the end of the course.
  8. Project prepared by the students shall be examined by the external examiner. This covers 40 marks.
  9. Examination forms of only those students will be forwarded who have secured 40% marks or more in project and 50% in aggregate of modules test.
  10. Final examination (1st and 11nd semester) consists of objective and subjective type questions. NIELIT Chandigarh centre will prepare the question paper for IT component under the guidance of controller of examination. The question papers will be sent to the NCPUL centre, Examiner in sealed envelopes and shall be opened under the supervision of centre in charge and examiner.
    Award of Diploma

All successful students will be awarded "Diploma in computer applications. Business accounting and multilingual DTP at the end of the academic session jointly by NCPUL NIELIT Chandigarh centre and diploma in Urdu language" by NCPUL.

    Rules & Regulation
  1. The students will observe strict discipline and decorum at the centre and in case of any indiscipline or misconduct; student will be liable to be expelled from the centre without any notice. No fee will be refunded in such cases.
  2. Every student of the centre is required to attend classes regularly and punctually .Student will be required to put in minimum of 75% attendance in classes, failing which he may not be allowed to sit in the examination.
  3. All course books will be supplied to the students free of charge in accordance with the syllabus. The books will be supplied from module to module at the beginning of each module.
  4. Every student of the centre will be provided adequate hours on practical training on the computers in the computer labs of the centre in addition to theory classes.
  5. Every student of the centre will be required to pass the examinations by securing at least 50% marks at the end of the modules and final examination before he is awarded diploma or certificate.
  6. Monthly fee is payable in advance before 10th of every month and fee paid is not refundable. Fee shall be payable even for such period for which the student is absent/on leave from the centre.
  7. The name of student shall be liable to be struck off from the rolls due to non payment of monthly fee on the due date.